
Master the Art of Home Cleaning With These 5 Easy Steps

By Bernadette Salapare | Jan 11, 2024 07:33 AM EST

Many people find it difficult to know where to begin and determine the appropriate methods to clean their houses efficiently. If you're one of them, explore these five simple steps that will help you become an expert in cleaning your home!(Photo : Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

1. Remove All Your Trash First

Take the time to clear the space in your home before you begin to clean, wipe, and scrub. This will provide you with an environment that is less stressful to cope with. Having a neat and organized area will make cleaning more efficient and easier to handle.

Done & Done Home's founding partner, Kate Pawlowski, stated that cleaning can be so challenging for some individuals because they have an excessive amount of things lying around the house. As Pawlowski points out, people frequently argue that undertaking a significant amount of decluttering will make cleaning much quicker because everything will be put away correctly.

2. Work Smarter, Not Harder

You might consider adopting time-saving equipment and solutions when looking for ways to make cleaning more efficient. A professional house cleaner and writer at Confessions of a Cleaning Lady named Sara San Angelo mentioned that one of the products that assists her in working more efficiently is a cleaning tool.

You can reportedly clean the entire restroom with minimal effort with a cordless electric spin scrubber featuring an extendable arm. Stooping over to clean large showers or bathtubs is unnecessary since the arm may be extended. Maintaining the floor's grout lines is also simple and easy.

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3. Clean Top to Bottom, Left to Right

To avoid having dust from the blinds settle onto your freshly mopped coffee table, avoid starting a room cleaning with the coffee table and moving on to the blinds. Debbie Sardone, an expert in fast cleaning and owner of a maid service, recommends beginning at the highest point in the room, such as dusting a ceiling fan, then working your way down to the floor to prevent unnecessary effort.

In the same way, cleaning from left to right guarantees that the entire room is cleaned, as opposed to hurriedly moving from spot to spot. Sardone noted that most individuals observe and clean one area before looking up to observe and clean another area; after that, the dirt that they have just cleansed settles. Thus, instead of scrubbing places you have just cleaned, you will only have to work once if you begin from the top to the bottom and from left to right.

4. Maintain Cleaning Equipment

Maintaining your cleaning equipment is a task that is frequently overlooked when it comes to cleaning the house. Using a filthy mop or a vacuum with a whole bag of debris is significantly less effective, and you might waste more time attempting to clean the area with these methods.

5. Implement Cleaning Duties

If you want to clean a house quickly, one of the most excellent methods is to make cleaning a team effort. Set a specific time with your family beforehand, and assign duties to each group member. Through collaborative efforts, you can make cleaning a more enjoyable experience, and your home will be spotless in no time at all.

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