
6 Types of Construction Permits For Your Next Project

By Bernadette Salapare | Jan 23, 2024 03:27 PM EST

The construction permit is a crucial legal document, mandatory for any development in a specific location. Before initiating construction on any structure, it's vital to acquaint yourself with the various building permits needed. Keep reading to know more about it.

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1. Professional and Legal Liability

Documenting the specialists involved in your project's design and construction is the building permit's primary purpose. Safety in plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural construction is practically ensured by the professionals engaged for 15 years or more. Accordingly, one of the most common practices among fly-by-night contractors and unlicensed professionals is to have someone else sign and seal the Building Permit on their behalf rather than signing and filling their names. Also, this indicates that they are not legally responsible if there is a safety issue.

2. Housing Permit

Housing licenses for residential purposes encompass single-family dwellings such as homes and townhomes and multi-family residences such as condominiums and apartments. The category of permits that pertain to housing is comprehensive, and each municipality further subdivides it into many groups.

3. Non-housing Permit

The category of non-housing encompasses any building that does not serve as a dwelling. This includes the development of commercial buildings, expansions to non-residential buildings, and parking infrastructure. Thus, this one is another broad category that differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

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4. Demolitions Permit

Deconstruction is a decision that involves a more significant number of considerations, and as a result, it requires its permit in the majority of jurisdictions. As mentioned, if there is substantial square footage at the demolition site, you will probably need demolition permission and a building permit.

5. Electrical Permit

Our ability to work on any electrical system depends on the necessary electrical permits. Structures, trailers, mobile homes, and other regions are all included in this service category. It is essential to seek a license for watercraft from the Office of the Building Official (OBO) and the authority responsible for maritime problems. 

According to Republic Act 7920, also known as the National Electrical Engineering Law, you must employ a certified electrical professional to obtain a wiring permit. Moreover, it offers the impression of effectiveness and efficiency, providing the client with confidence. Also, it has been found that employees who operate in a clean atmosphere are more satisfied with their work and exhibit higher productivity levels.

6. Sanitary Permit

As a person who owns a business or is an entrepreneur, the cleanliness of the place of work or the area that the company occupies must always come first. This has a beneficial effect not just on the personnel but also on the customers. As stated, a tidy workplace atmosphere gives the impression of being welcoming to customers.

Furthermore, the local health authority must provide a valid sanitary permit for a company to be able to conduct business. It is evidence that the facility or establishment has been inspected and determined to comply with the required standards. Both food facilities and companies that do not deal with food are required to have a sanitary permit to operate legally.

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