
Key Factors to Consider When Building Eco-Friendly Houses

By Bernadette Salapare | Jan 29, 2024 05:13 PM EST

Constructing environmentally friendly homes involves careful consideration of various factors. On the other hand, with the technologies available today, it is possible to make intelligent investments in equipment that contribute to environmental conservation and save you money in the long run. Explore critical aspects to be aware of when making these investments for an eco-friendly and cost-effective home.

(Photo : Pixabay/Hans )

Passive Solar Designs

In the United Kingdom, solar panels are a frequent sight all around the country, and they contribute to reducing our reliance on harmful fossil fuels. The importance of passive solar design, which enables people to more effectively harness the warmth of the sun and light to decrease the energy requirements of our dwellings, is less widely recognized. Accordingly, it is recommended that windows be positioned mainly on the structure's south side to optimize the amount of solar gain.

Clever Airtight Design

Houses designed to be energy-efficient must also have very high levels of airtightness, which is another essential component of the design process. The use of barriers and membranes installed in every building element can help create an airtight structure, which will further minimize the heating required.

In obtaining a Passivhaus certification, the airtightness of a structure is evaluated using a measurement known as the n50 test. When air pressurization tests are carried out, the air that escapes at a pressure of fifty Pascals should be less than sixty-six air changes per hour. Moreover, ensuring that barriers are designed and implemented effectively is crucial to satisfy stringent standards.

Natural Lighting and Ventilation

Taking advantage of the natural light and ventilation available within your new home is one of the most important things to consider when planning an environmentally friendly self-build. Utilizing these natural resources in the construction of a residence creates an internal environment conducive to enhanced productivity and well-being.

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For years, fuel costs have been a major cause of inflation, which has caused a global cost of living crisis. Given the volatility of natural gas prices, home heating will likely remain expensive.  

Thus, eco-friendly home heating options may be worth considering. Despite many individuals returning to wood-burning stoves instead of gas or electric heating, this may harm air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, most wood-burning stoves that are now in use in the United Kingdom are not very ecologically friendly, even though new wood-burning stoves are constructed based on the criteria of Ecodesign 2022. 

In contrast, bioethanol fuel is consumed extremely cleanly, producing no carcinogens released from a real fire, such as soot, ash, or dust. It is feasible to build a bioethanol fireplace in any living room without a chimney or flue because it burns in a highly environmentally friendly manner.

High-Performance Windows

By switching out your standard windows for more specialized ones, you can save money on energy costs and keep the atmosphere more pleasant. Windows with a low solar gain are the best option for hot areas since they allow less heat to enter the building. Reflective, double-glazed windows with adequate ventilation channels are ideal for this purpose.

The ideal windows for colder areas have a low U-value, which measures the rate heat moves through a building portion and is well-insulated frame windows. Having windows that are triple-glazed and with vacuum panels helps to reduce the amount of heat that escapes.

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