
Tech Firm Teams Up With Building College to Develop 'Academic Suite' for Future Educational Enhancement

By Bernadette Salapare | Feb 22, 2024 11:48 AM EST

Collsys, a technology company, is collaborating with Leeds College of Building to develop the 'Academic Suite,' aiming to elevate the future educational experience. This innovative project seeks to enhance learning through advanced technology and educational tools.

(Photo : Unsplash/Mimi Thian )

Development of 'Academic Suite' for Future Educational Enhancement

Within the context of all academic fields, the 'Academic Suite' of Collsys is intended to monitor and record knowledge, abilities, and behaviors. Its integration with its 'Employability Suite' offers a comprehensive one platform solution encompassing employment, extracurricular activities, training programs, and career opportunities.

Beginning with a post-pandemic examination of the existing systems at Leeds College of Building and a request for comments from staff members, the project got underway. Because of the ever-increasing complexity of the requirements and the fact that the software was no longer suitable for its intended purpose, it became a priority to invest in a new system that would be used across the entire college.

Accordingly, Collsys modules were already being utilized by the College Work Based Learning and Employer Interaction teams responsible for monitoring work placements, enrichment, and employer interaction data. It was intended to be expanded to include a bespoke management platform that would be utilized by all of the staff members at Leeds College of Building.

On the other hand, a joint project team conducted research, developed, designed, tested, and ultimately implemented the Academic Suite project over the interaction. The new system, which the building college has implemented, manages every facet of the student's education.

Moreover, users can drill down to higher-level data, such as faculty, department, course, or individual students. Utilizing a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rating, staff members can swiftly access crucial data, make reports, and view insights. This allows for the rapid identification of kids who are at risk, the monitoring of their progress, and the customization of interventions.

Work is now being done for the next stage of development. With the assistance of the project team, drop-in training sessions for employees have been held, advocates and super users have been established, and data transfer to the freshly implemented system has been facilitated. Also, a portal and a mobile application are planned to be executed to provide employers, parents, and caregivers with the ability to monitor a student's attendance, progress, outcomes, and feedback from staff.

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About Leeds College of Building

The Leeds College of Building is the only General Further Education College (GFEC) in the United Kingdom of Great Britain specifically devoted to the building and structural construction profession. When it comes to providing the industry with high-quality training and instruction, they have been a driving force since the 1960s. The institute is reportedly dedicated to encouraging innovations and ensuring that vocational and technical service meets the industry's requirements.

Additionally, the building industry contributes significant value to the nation. The production of this industry is crucial for commerce, housing, infrastructure, and repairs and maintenance, and it is responsible for creating nearly 2.7 million employees. It is a source of great pride and honor for the institute to assist with the ongoing and future requirements of a highly skilled workforce in the construction sector.

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