
Construction Begins on Baden-Württemberg's Largest Solar Park to Generate Energy Supply for 30,000 Households

By Bernadette Salapare | Mar 05, 2024 10:33 AM EST

Construction has recently commenced on Baden-Wurttemberg's largest solar park. Once finished, it will reportedly contribute to the region's renewable energy supply, generating power for 30,000 households.

(Photo : Pexels/Kelly )

Baden-Württemberg's Largest Solar Park Ground Breaking Ceremony

In Langenenslingen, Germany, EnBW has staged a groundbreaking ceremony for the largest solar park in Baden-Wurttemberg, an 80 MW array located south of Wilflingen. Construction on the facility started in February, and once it is finished, it will be able to generate enough energy to serve around 30,000 households with electricity. As mentioned, by the middle of 2025, the location is scheduled to begin operations.

EnBW and the project developer, SolNet GmbH, collaborated closely on the land-use planning procedure and the construction site's acquisition.

Moreover, before the formal commencement of the groundbreaking ceremony, EnBW had initiated preliminary construction activities for the solar park on the property. In 2025, the substation that will feed the solar power into the grid that operates at 110 kilovolts will be constructed. Additionally, in June of the same year, it is anticipated that the first kilowatt hours will be produced and commissioned.

On the other hand, carbon emissions are projected to be reduced by approximately 54,500 metric tons annually once the solar park is operational. Several different compensatory actions will be taken to conserve the ecosystems now inhabited by native animal species. Within the framework of the land-use planning process, landscape conservation measures were identified to achieve this goal. Accordingly, developing grassland for a wide variety of species, establishing a variety of shrubs, hedges, and trees, and constructing stepping-stone biotopes are additional measures implemented on the site besides sowing seeds. Thus, no funds will be provided by the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) for the construction and operation of the solar park.

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EnBW Solar Parks

Since 2008, EnBW has been active in the construction and operation of solar parks throughout Germany. In the previous rounds of auctions that the German Federal Network Agency organized, EnBW has consistently been successful.

The company has set a goal to ensure that by 2025, approximately 50% of its power portfolio will be made of renewable energies. Photovoltaics has been incorporated as the third primary pillar of their expansion strategy, following onshore and offshore wind energy. As stated, EnBW will methodically advance the growth of solar energy until 2025, focusing on Germany and a few international markets.

Solar energy is frequently the first option for individuals, local governments, and businesses to consider when generating individualized renewable energy. Aside from allowing them to participate in their power plants, the company also provides them with the energy and excitement necessary to support them through developing creative goods in collaboration with businesses.

Furthermore, EnBW reportedly believes that carefully planned solar parks benefit humans and improve the natural environment. It contributes to species conservation by providing protected habitats for flora and fauna and generating electricity in an environmentally responsible manner, which is feasible on the land to keep bees or graze animals. Thus, after the completion of the project, the solar park will be disassembled, and the area will be available for use once more.

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