
8 Tips to Lower Your Building Project Costs

By Bernadette Salapare | Jul 03, 2024 12:13 PM EDT

Cost overruns are a common problem in building projects that can cause delays and financial challenges. Nevertheless, several proven techniques can help you avoid these mistakes and save on overall building expenses.

(Photo : Pexels/RDNE Stock project)

1. Partner with Reputable Suppliers

A sizeable amount of the overall project expenses is attributed to the materials used in construction. Any reduction in the cost of materials can help maintain project profitability within the regular range of approximately 10%. Yet, it is essential to place a high priority on quality while also looking for cost-effective choices. A respected local supplier such as LS Building Products can ensure the availability of all the products you require at competitive costs.

2. Control Overheads

Efficient project management is vital for reducing waste and keeping general overhead costs under control. Optimizing procedures, enhancing communication, and utilizing technology can help contractors reduce waste, track project progress, minimize delays, and maintain overhead charges at the national average of approximately 6% of the overall project cost.

3. Bulk Purchase

Investigate the possibility of purchasing larger quantities since this typically results in lower pricing per unit than buying smaller quantities individually over time. Ensure that the material you purchase will not get spoiled before consumption. Moreover, comparing material costs ahead might help you stay within budget without losing quality or performance throughout construction.

4. Utilize Technology

Technology's integration with the construction sector gives builders access to a wide range of tools meant to help them reduce their costs and increase their output. Due to technology, developers can now plan more effectively, manage resources more wisely, assign the right staff, and cooperate with vendors to get the most excellent deals. Technological improvements have made it much more straightforward for builders to locate experienced professionals who can finish work promptly and effectively while adhering to the limits of their budgets. 

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5. Avoid Change Orders

Any changes made to the design or materials at the last minute are called 'change orders.' They can quickly strain your financial resources. As mentioned, keeping the building budget under control depends on minimizing the number of modification orders as much as feasible.

6. Thorough Risk Evaluation

Given the specificity of the plans, it is reasonable to assume that they will be executed as intended. However, construction projects might be disrupted, and cost overruns can occur due to unanticipated external and internal variables. Therefore, detailed risk assessments are necessary to identify potential sources of unexpected costs.

7. Use Value Engineering

Value engineering provides a project's essential functionalities at the lowest possible cost. Lowering costs is a significant factor in the building business. Accordingly, the most successful way to carry out value engineering is through a collaborative effort that includes clients, contractors, architects, and engineers.

8. Review and Monitoring Your Project Regularly

Maintaining construction projects within their allotted budgets requires diligent monitoring and regular assessment. This strategy will discover and swiftly remediate any cost overruns. In addition, it is an excellent idea to check the project's financial situation at predetermined intervals. Thus, prominent team members, including the project manager, contractors, and stakeholders, should be responsible for participating in these reviews. 

Related Article: Cost Overrun Challenges in Public Construction Projects 

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