TurtleHill Transforms First Industrial Zone into a Creative Cultural Gem: The Houjie Times Project

A historic building complex is in the middle of a remarkable transformation, evolving into an imaginative cultural masterpiece. Discover how this building was accomplished through the utilization of the project's architecture.

TurtleHill Architecture and Design envisioned the evolution of the first industrial zone, shaping it into the creative cultural gem named 'The Houjie Times Project. It reportedly began last year in Dongguan City, China, and is anticipated to be completed in 2025.

Project Name: Houjie Times Project

Houjie Times Project

(Photo : ArchDaily/Cat-Optogram Studio)

The architects of this project intend to restore old manufacturing facilities into a culturally and creatively complex area called 'Houjie Times.' The neighborhood will be centered on the concept of the city's aspiring spirit and industrial culture. Thus, a meticulous preservation and utilization plan will also be taken into consideration in this project. 

Houjie Town, located in Dongguan City, is the location of this development site formerly known as the First Industrial Zone for the Liaoxia district.Preserving Old Building Framework

(Photo : ArchDaily/Cat-Optogram Studio)

Preserving the Old Structure of the Building

The architectural designs take a systematic and exact approach, adding and subtracting materials within the old building's skeleton. The primary objective of the design technique is to remove the aged outer decorative layers, thereby revealing the structural framework to emphasize the specific construction characteristics of the industrial manufacturing buildings that were constructed during that period.

The essence of this method lies not only in the preservation and exploitation of industrial architecture but also in the transmission and continuation of the memories and qualities that are unique to that era.Higher Quality Materials Added

(Photo : ArchDaily/Cat-Optogram Studio)

Higher Quality Materials Added 

The construction of scaffolding, a common element in facade installation on construction sites, constitutes an 'addition' technique implemented in this spatial foundation. As a result of this, a sense of high creativity is introduced into the area, and the project's overall image is shaped distinctively, producing memorable points and improving recognition.

Moreover, the lightweight characteristics of these materials and the adaptable construction technique are in ideal harmony with Houjie's ongoing evolution strategy of adjusting to evolving circumstances. Therefore, despite the expeditious and constant evolution of the current commercial market, this versatile and adjustable design can promptly and effectively address the following operational modifications in a project.

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Importance of Preservation of Historic Buildings

An individual's feeling of place and connection to the past can be enhanced by the presence of old buildings, which witness a city's architectural and cultural history. Historic structures are typical markers of significance or recognition among urban residents and tourists.

As mentioned, higher-quality materials are typically used in the building process of older structures, particularly those constructed before World War II. It would reportedly be impossible and financially unfeasible to replace these buildings with other extremely rare hardwoods like heart pine.

The life expectancy of many older structures is typically between thirty and forty years, although the life expectancy of many newer buildings is only 30 to 40 years. Keeping historic structures and enhancing them to conform to contemporary standards and regulations can be economically beneficial.

Accordingly, restoring historic buildings to their original state not only imparts the neighborhood with a sense of personality but also has the potential to bring in financial investment and, if the buildings are historically significant, to attract tourists.

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