More Women Are Dominating the Construction Industry Due to High Compensation

One of the reasons that women desire to enter the construction sector is because of their high salaries. Learn more about the other motivations that prompt women to enter this field.

In general, the construction industry is considered a career that men dominate. However, as time goes by, people's perspectives and viewpoints shift. According to recent research, the number of women entering the construction business is now on the rise, and one of the reasons for this is the competitive compensation.

Woman in Construction Site

(Photo : Pexels/Kindel Medi )

Surge of Women Entering the Construction Industry

Based on the survey of young adults, young women are interested in the construction industry more than just the possibility of earning a high salary which is 39% of them also value the chance to establish a long-term career, about 26% and the ability to start their own business in the future (25%). As mentioned, female role models have contributed to the increase in women entering the sector, and over 42% of the polled women desired to work for a company that LGBTQ individuals or women lead.

In 2020, more than half of young people (44 %) stated that construction was male-dominated. But as of 2024, this percentage has reached 39%, with a little less than a third (32%) of those polled indicating that they have considered a career in the construction industry.

Moreover, due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, two out of every five (16-24-year-olds) associate a trade apprenticeship with generating income while studying and avoiding student debt (41%), which emphasizes the financial advantage of this alternative educational path.

On the other hand, the research also shows that there still needs to be more guidance that schools and parents provide young people when making decisions about their next educational step. However, the apprenticeship path is becoming increasingly popular.

A stigma has been linked with seeking higher education instead of becoming an apprentice, according to 48% of those surveyed. In comparison, three-fifths (60%) believe university attendance is more encouraged at their school. In addition, more than 42% of those polled stated that their parents need to be more knowledgeable about apprenticeships, and 55% disagreed that there is equal emphasis placed on apprenticeships and other pathways compared to university.

Also Read: Construction Safety 101: 5 Ways to Improve Work Efficiently and Safely On Site

Women in Construction

As the number of women employed in the construction industry continues to increase, there has been a concurrent increase in the number of organizations and institutions committed to assisting them in their professional endeavors. These organizations facilitate significant networking prospects, promote consciousness regarding the potential of women in the construction industry, and actively aid in recruiting female personnel for construction firms. 

As the construction industry has become more technologically advanced and included more machinery, more opportunities for women to pursue employment in the field have become available. Today, the construction industry is no longer a brute-force sector. There are opportunities for both men and women to work in this industry because of the development of new technology and machines.

Furthermore, besides providing positions such as inspector, electrician, project manager, and sales representative, businesses can optimize their work sites by rigging machinery and technology to ensure efficiency.

Given the growing number of construction companies looking to hire women and the increasing number of women interested in pursuing careers in the construction industry, construction companies must embrace a diverse labor force. 

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