Why Civil Engineers Promote Adoption of Carbon Management in the Construction Sector

The Institute of Civil Engineers urged implementing carbon management as a standard practice to accomplish sustainability objectives, emphasizing low-carbon energy, water management, and transportation advances. Read more about it here.

In the latest report released by the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), they passionately advocated the integration of carbon management within the construction industry. The group promotes innovative strategies to pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Windmill and Solar Panels

(Photo : Pixabay/Cornell Frühauf)

ICE's Report on Carbon Management

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, the ICE published its report titled 'State of the Nation: Infrastructure in 2024.' This analysis presents clear recommendations on how civil and infrastructure engineers, together with other professionals working in the built environment, may better assist the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). These recommendations are based on the expertise of the global membership of the International Council for Transportation (ICE).

It reportedly presents an overview of the organization's position statement on carbon reduction, emphasizing three key areas: transportation, water and flooding, and low-carbon energy. Based on the report, ICE members must adopt carbon management as a 'mainstream practice.'

Although civil engineers do not directly oversee the life cycle of the economic infrastructure they contribute to, their impact on the technical work and decision-making processes that understand, manage, and decrease emissions is huge. Low-carbon energy professionals should improve onshore and offshore wind and solar asset circularity. Designing modular pieces to increase asset lifespans while considering recycling or refurbishment is another strategy to achieve sustainability.

Accordingly, if climate goals are to be achieved, waste from all industries must be eliminated. Renewable energy is not an exception to this rule. The construction of ever-higher flood defenses and the treatment of the volume of water that penetrates sewage systems are becoming unreasonably expensive as a result of climate change and the rising frequency of catastrophic weather events.

On the other hand, water management must prioritize the investigation of methods to sustain water flow through the land to prevent flood damage and the overburdening of existing infrastructure rather than developing novel complex infrastructure solutions.

The report proposed that the transportation industry adopt emerging technology and learn from industrialized projects in other sectors to rebuild public confidence following the cancellation of the High Speed Two (HS2) project. It also urged adopting nature-based solutions to flooding rather than complex infrastructure. According to David Porter, vice president of the International Council of Engineers (ICE), civil engineers have the potential to assist in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are now falling short of their targets. 

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Green Building Practices

Given the considerable impact of the construction sector on the world's future, people must have a solid understanding of the significance of implementing environmentally responsible building methods.

The sustainability of the environment is one of the critical reasons green building methods are becoming increasingly prevalent in the construction industry. The use of traditional construction methods frequently causes depletion of resources and deterioration of the environment. The primary objectives of green building practices are the reduction of energy consumption, the efficiency of waste management, and the minimization of nonrenewable resource usage. 

As mentioned, construction is a more responsible and sustainable industry due to these practices, which assist in reducing the negative impact of construction on the environment. Sustainable building techniques are not only a passing trend but an absolute requirement for the construction industry and the environment. In the long run, people can save resources and money by adopting sustainable construction practices, which will also help society lessen the effects on the earth, generate healthier living and working spaces, and make healthier environments overall.

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