7 Innovative Eco-Friendly Construction Materials for Building Sustainable Structures

Do you want to build a sustainable structure? Learn more about these environmentally friendly materials that will assist you in constructing a structure that will not cause any harm to our world.

Building a sustainable structure can be challenging. However, using innovative eco-friendly materials can significantly ease this process. These materials reduce the construction industry's impact on the environment while improving the construction's longevity and efficiency.

Bamboo House

(Photo : Pexels/ArtHouse Studio)

1. Cork

The bark of cork oak trees is harvested to produce cork, a material that is both renewable and biodegradable. Cork possesses exceptional thermal and acoustic insulation capabilities. It is flexible and robust and constructed from a hydrophobic polymer substance. As mentioned, cork is becoming an increasingly suitable material for sustainable development due to its resistance to wear and tear, fire, and insects, among other characteristics.

2. Cob

Cob, an organic construction material composed of grain, water, and lime, is widely recognized for its energy efficiency, biodegradability, and lack of toxicity. It is a low-cost material resistant to various environmental hazards, including earthquakes, fire, and termites. Cob also has a low environmental impact and is easy to use. Recently, the sustainability and natural building movements have revitalized its application. Crafting imaginative sculptures is one possible application for it. 

3. Mycelium

When it comes to environmentally friendly building materials, mycelium has emerged as one of the most preferred options. This substance is formed from the roots of mushrooms, a type of fungus with fibers that resemble roots. After being dried, mycelium fibers, which have the appearance of roots, are utilized as a building material that is exceptionally durable, resistant to water and fire, and resistant to extreme temperatures. It offers excellent insulation and is durable and lightweight, reducing energy consumption. 

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4. Biocomposite Cement

The level of technological advancement has reached such a point that we can now manufacture masonry blocks using components taken from algae. Many algae types can spontaneously make a substance similar to cement. This results in a substance that is low in carbon and has properties comparable to cement, which is used in construction. Moreover, even though it is currently primarily in the experimental phase and has not yet seen widespread application in the industry, this has the potential to become one of the essential materials shortly for assisting in the construction of net-zero buildings.

5. Terrazzo

Terrazzo is considered environmentally friendly because it can be recycled from many materials, including plastic and fragments of plastic, typically used in constructing floor tiles. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing with its colorful shards, it is also environmentally friendly because it is built from chunks of marble and glass chips embedded in cement.

6. Mud brick

Since they are typically built on site, or at the very least from the mud coming from the site, mud bricks are an environmentally friendly material. Therefore, this decreases the amount of materials and transportation required to be brought to the project's location. In most cases, they are not created only out of mud and water; additional components, such as straw or cement, may be used in the mixture to strengthen their strength.

7. Sheep's Wool

There is an increasing need for sheep's wool, another environmentally acceptable building material. It is resistant to fire, environmental, and renewable resources. It is also an excellent insulator, which means that it can help you conserve energy in your house or place of business.

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