Building Strong Foundations: 7 Unique Scaffolding Types in Construction

A solid understanding of the various types of scaffolding can help boost safety and productivity in building projects. Explore the different types of scaffolding utilized in every construction project.

Workers on building sites require scaffolding, which is often made of steel or timber, to provide them with essential temporary support. Several scaffolding applications can be adapted to meet the specific requirements of a given construction site.


(Photo : Pexels/Min An )

1. Cantilever Scaffolding

With this kind of scaffolding, the standards are held up by a series of needles removed from the wall through holes. Another sort of scaffolding is called independent or double-frame scaffolding. In this type, needles are pushed inside the floors using the holes. Thus, cantilever scaffolding should be constructed with caution to avoid accidents.

2. Patented Scaffolding

Despite being constructed from steel, patented scaffoldings feature specialized couplings, frames, and the like; these are commercially available prefabricated scaffoldings. This variety of scaffolding consists of a working platform supported by brackets that can be adjusted to the desired height.

3. Single Scaffolding

Typically, brick masonry employs single scaffolding, also known as bricklayer scaffolding. It comprises standards, ledgers, putlogs, and various other scaffolding components. Vertical supports called standards are affixed to a single scaffolding system to be aligned parallel to a building's facade. The standard should be placed at a minimum distance of 2 to 3 meters from the wall for optimal stability. Conversely, ledgers are defined as the support structures affixed to the standards in a vertical line. Some ledgers link the standards at vertical intervals ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 meters.

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4. Double Scaffolding

Many people who work with stone use double platforms. Due to the inherent challenge of drilling holes for putlog anchoring in stone walls, the entire system will be supported by double scaffolding. The initial section of the double superstructure is aligned parallel to the wall, whereas the subsequent section is set back from the first section. After that, additional putlog holes are used to support the frames, and rakers and cross braces provide extra support for the scaffolding.

5. Multipoint Adjustable Scaffolding

Four cables are typically positioned in each corner of a multipoint adjustable scaffolding platform, allowing it to be suspended from above. This suspended scaffolding variety can be adjusted in height to suit the user's needs, rendering it more versatile. It is widely employed in chimneys, stacks, tanks, and silos because of its capacity to modify the height of the structure over time.

6. Float Scaffolding

Ropes or wires of a predetermined length are suspended from a support beam parallel to the construction. The cables or wires support the platform's two ledgers. Moreover, similar to catenary scaffolding, float scaffolding does not allow movement and is also known as ship scaffolding.

7. Multilevel Scaffolding

Like float scaffolding, ropes or wires are utilized to suspend multilevel scaffolding from the structure; each wire or rope supports a staircase opposite the structure. In the space between the two ladders, a platform supported by the rungs is. In contrast to all alternative forms of suspended scaffolding, this particular type permits the setup of multiple layers by suspending multiple platforms atop ladders of sufficient length.

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